our services
What we do for you
We offer a comprehensive range of services designed to manage your career within and outside the sporting arena. We pride ourselves on the fact that we are willing to invest in grassroots sports as this allows us to see the full sporting lifecycle of our clients. We support our clients with building resilience in their life skills; Prepare them for media training and negotiating contracts. In addition, we also offer services that build and protect our clients.
We believe in building strong relationships. We are your partner, your critical friend. We deliver the best outcomes for you and will always maximise the commercial outcomes for our talent.
Social Media Management
We manage the professional social media profiles for our athletes and work with you to continue to build your online brand with strong content. We operate in times where trolls use social media to contact professional athletes directly and we know just how harmful this is to athletes. We shield you from this negativity and focus only on you and the positives.
Wealth Management
We want our talent to have the longest and most successful careers that they can have. But, this is not always the case. This is why we have partnered with our Wealth Management planning partner. From signing your contract, we will support our talent in preparing not only for their future, but for those unforeseen eventualities.
Media, Branding & Reputation Management
Our daily goal is to maximize the commercial potential of every and every client. We have built significant and powerful partnerships with leading global brands that allows us to create bespoke personal branding for our clients. We source sponsorships and create marketing opportunities for our clients with brands that reflect who they are and this symbiosis is always mutually beneficial.